Wynter has an older sister named Rose, born in the heart of the war between phantoms and alphas. Wynter was born with this special power. She could freeze things and unfreeze them. She could control the water in the air and make it form into ice. She could do things that were different-weird-and she hated hte thought of using her wretched powers. One day when Wynter was sleeping Rose ran away to fight the alphas. Wynter knew rose as very brave, but she, herself, was not considered in such way. She was shy, secretive, and only comfortable around those she liked, and when she got angry she was too shy to express it. She had already lost her father to war. When rose went, her mother was sad. Determined to bring rose back, she sets off on a journey and joins the army as well, not leaving her mother even a note when she went. Joining the army was hard. All the alphas refused to let such a small girl fight. She was only doing this to find rose. However, greely, who usually was very secretive and never talked, teached her to fight, and he too came aware of her powers eventually. Greely encouraged her to use it, bringing her to the mira bird, hidden deem within jamaa. Mira was hurt by the evil power of the phantoms already. She told Wynter to be brave. She told her that alphas are rising, and she gave rose a pendant that officially made her an alpha. Rose is scared, she doesnt know what to do. She meets a boy bunny named Aspen who joined war as well, and he and his sister Jennifer help her grow her powers.
Wynter is still looking for her sister, and on the first battle with the phantoms and the Jamaa Army, She sees rose. Rose is badly hurt by a phantom, blood all over her. Wynter gets angry and freezes the phantom in place, filling with power. She drags her sister to the Army's nurses, trying her best. The magic made by her own self was overflowing, and she felt it swallowing her whole. She brings rose to the nurse eventually, and they tell her:
"Rose is gone forever. I'm sorry"
She was sad, but greely met with her after the battle.
"The times that you are about to face as an alpha in this war against the phantoms will lose you many loved ones. I understand how you feel, so young and yet pushed into so much responsibility. However, maybe this loss is worth to save the future of Jamaa. You are an Alpha now, Wynter. You have powers that are bigger than you'd ever believe."
Should I continue? Idk XD tell me in the comments!
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