Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Animal Jam Atlas! ~Home~

Animal Jam Atlas!

Hey there, Jammer! Remember, this post is to be updated every once and a while, so keep up!

Sorry I haven't been active :)
About The Blog
Hey Jammers! Welcome to Animal Jam Atlas...where Animal Jam is expressed at its fullest. Remember, check back on this post daily for updates! This blog is all about animaljam.com, a safe online kids environment, and the stories and fun all around it!

Whats Up?
The owner of this blog, Cupcake the cat, has now changed her username to Zodiacmoon

My AJ Channel!
Check out my channel! all you have to do is search up ZodiacMoon AJ.
Jammer Honor! April
Jammer Honor is a prize presented to the best of jammers :)
todays prize goes to:

Jam On! 

Animal Jammer Cupcake, commonly known as cupcake2206 or cupcake_the_cat AJ. Creator of Animal Jam Atlas.

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