Monday, March 2, 2015

Lucky Party

Animal Jam's monthly party has arrived in Jamaa! Just go to parties and wait till this party is available.

Here is a picture of me in the lucky party:

I am the wolf with the pink bow and arrow, and white and red fox hat. 

To be honest, I really thought AJHQ did this party well. It was, somewhat, fun. But, I'm not a big fan of it. There is something this party is lacking, as far as the whole Animal Jam Parties go. I think its the spaciousness: This party was held in a small nonmember den, not enough space for all Jammers in Jamaa to visit it. I think if ajhq holds parties its better to do them in bigger, wider dens. But, its my own opinion. I'm sorry for any offense.
Anyway, the party does hold the animal jam music for your den, themed especially for leprechaun's day. It's a special type of Irish music, pretty catchy, and somehow the music presents to you a happy sort of aura. You can buy it at the Lucky Party: 
Happy-go-lucky is the song's name, fitting for a song of this type. A picture on it represents a golden horseshoe set just behind a four-leaf clover, with music notes around it. It is for only members, and comes to the cost of one hundred gems.
Price Range:
Cheap. Definitely not pricey.
The Party shop is there as usual, this time offering lucky-day themed items.

Just click this stall to access the items.
These items will come up.
All of them range between 150 to 500 gems, depending on the item. All of the items are member, except for one of them, the four leaf clover for 150 gems, which is nonmember.
Jam on!

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