Sunday, February 22, 2015

Pet Ponies!

OMG! I'm back, guys! I've been spending all my time watching anime I forgot I had a life O:!

Well, pet ponies have come to jamaa....apparently!
Aren't they like...I cute I'm just gonna DIE! They're awesome, to be honest! And you can transform them into...
Well, okay. Let's talk more about these...awesomely adorable things.
Well, boys may not like them as much, considering...well...they're PONIES. But I've watched my little pony, and to be honest, all those bronies and Twilight Sparkle fans won't be disappointed. Really!

Aren't they awesome! And they're eyes are just so cute! You can choose between a variety of stuff and all to put on your magical pony...or whatever. 
So personally I logged on and was like O: at the new update. Ponies?! I mean, MLP fan forever, so I was waiting for the moment...PONIES. ON. Animal jam!
Well, thanks, AJHQ!
Hey, maybe an AJHQ member was an MLP fan so they brought ponies...
let's stop talking about my little pony?
Anyhow, the ponies are awesome. They're so adorably cute and irresistible and downright awesome...I wanted to buy one but being a nonmember I couldn't! :(
Well they cost three diamonds per, and they look really awesome with any animal.
Well, don't wait! Get your pony today!

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