Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Newest Animal Jam Adventure! Special Delivery!

Hi, guys! Sorry I haven't been back for a while!
Anyway, I logged on today and found out about an awesome update on animal jam-can you guess it? YUP! It's the Special Delivery adventure (pretty obvious tho -_-).
Committed to finishing this adventure, I decided to do this adventure myself, getting a first-hand view on this adventure.
This adventure, whilst sometimes a bit tricky and hard, is revolved around the idea of delivering valentines cards around jamaa! 
Access it by clicking the party icon:
There, (not included in the image above), there will be this icon at all times that reads:

Click it and it will take you to the adventure!
Click the owl:
As you can probably guess, the main idea of the adventure is to give out batches of valentines to different dens:
Click on the mailboxes to deposit mail. Notice at the top right corner of the image above, it says a number, next to it an envelope. That is the amount of valentines you are yet to deliver. Each click on a mailbox delivers one valentine, an already clicked mailbox CANNOT be clicked again.

It looks pretty fun. It doesn't stop there-all around the game are amazing prizes you can win! The prizes are awesome, ranging from a random den item to a rare top hat or mask! It sounds pretty nice, huh? Let's take a look:

Only Members get the following items:

The Items below are available to all jammers, members and nonmembers.

Knowing all these prizes, don't be afraid to go for this new adventure! 
There are two ways to earn these items: either through receiving the gift when you are done delivering all the mail, (harder):
As you can see, the members gift is not available to everyone, only members. However, members can collect both gifts, whilst nonmembers are only allowed to one (aww!)

Or, you can go around the adventure finding mini treasure chests:

See that treasure chest? It has already been opened by the owner of the picture, however when you first come across it it will be closed. Open it, to get a free gift. The gifts vary depending on whether you are a member or nonmember: otherwise, they are completely random.

Well, I think I've covered about everything on this adventure.
Do YOU like this adventure? If so, comment below! No rude comments...!
Well, bye, fellow jammers. Time for me to say goodbye.

Jam on!

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